Thursday, February 12, 2009

Weigth loss strategies

I've been playing around with different strategies for weight loss to see what works best for me. Here is what I'm trying to do current:

1. I'm going to weigh every day. This will pretty much immediatley let me see what happens when I don't make the best food choices to reach my goal.

2. I'm trying to let go of the "should" statements. What happens is if I eat something that I shouldn't under the paleo diet guidelines, then I want to keep eating those foods because I think I'll never have them again. As "Dietgirl" wrote, I have to find some balance, because I'm not going to be perfect but I don't have to be out of control, either. Now, I still will have issues with gluten if I eat it, so that is one I have to be careful with.

3. Honoring my hunger. If I'm hungry, I need to eat something. It is when I let myself get too hungry that I often get myself in trouble.

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